Liz Rice, Technical Evangelist at Aqua Security and master of all things Security in Kubernetes, talks to us about her philosophy on security and gives us the some great tips-n-tricks on how to secure your container workloads in Azure, on-prem or any cloud.
Media file:
Aqua web site:
Aqua in the Azure marketplace:
kube-hunter - open source pen testing tool for Kubernetes
microscanner - free vulnerability scanning for container images. It's the same package vulnerability scanner as in the commercial product, but you can use it for free, running security scanning as part of your container image build process.
Co-author with Michael Hausenblas of O'Reilly Kubernetes Security book
Other updates:
Azure SQL DB metrics infrastructure improvements
Azure SQL Database is upgrading the infrastructure for monitoring and alerts. This upgrade will improve stability and lay the foundation for enabling next-generation alerts. The upgrade will take place from January 22, 2019 to January 28, 2019.
How will this affect me?
During this upgrade, there will be no change to metric data and charts available in the Azure portal. However, customers who are using the Azure Monitor REST API will no longer be able to query for metric data written before December 21, 2018.
What do I need to do?
If you need metric data before December 21, 2018, please make a copy of the data before January 21, 2019. Moving forward, metric history will be built up to 93 days and maintained as such.
For guidance on saving metric data to a data store, see the Azure Monitor REST API walkthrough and Microsoft Azure Monitor REST API reference.
For any questions or concerns, please contact support.
Public preview: Read replicas in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Posted on Monday, January 21, 2019
You can now replicate data from a single Azure Database for PostgreSQL server (master) to up to five read-only servers (read replicas) within the same Azure region. This feature uses PostgreSQL's native asynchronous replication.
Connecting Node-RED to Azure IoT Central
Azure Backup now supports PowerShell and ACLs for Azure Files