Episode 441 - Databricks Accelerator for Azure Purview

by Evan Basalik October 12, 2022

The team catches up with the developers of the Databricks Accelerator for Azure Purview to learn when, where, and why you might use it.


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode441.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/W9Dyb6E5eKk


The Databricks to Purview Solution Accelerator Repo: microsoft/Purview-ADB-Lineage-Solution-Accelerator: A connector to ingest Azure Databricks lineage into Microsoft Purview (github.com)

Demo Deployment Quickstart: Purview-ADB-Lineage-Solution-Accelerator/deploy-demo.md at release/2.1 · microsoft/Purview-ADB-Lineage-Solution-Accelerator (github.com)

YouTube Video overview: Demoing the Azure Databricks lineage solution accelerator in Microsoft Purview - YouTube

The OpenLineage Repo: OpenLineage/OpenLineage: An Open Standard for lineage metadata collection (github.com)

OpenLineage + Purview Blog: Microsoft Purview Accelerates Lineage Extraction from Azure Databricks | OpenLineage


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