by Cynthia Kreng
January 12, 2021
The Azure Podcast co-hosts chat with Corey on his Azure journey, his favorite Microsoft services, what he saw in our customers digital transformation during COVID and many more.

Media File:
Other Updates:
Digital event: Explore how data and analytics will impact the future of your business
Azure Cost Management and Billing updates – November 2020
Let us know about your thoughts at
by Cale Teeter
January 26, 2017
The guys discuss some interesting topics around VMs taken from these series of blog posts:
Other updates:
by Cale Teeter
April 14, 2016
by Evan Basalik
October 1, 2015
We are joined by Mahesh Thiagarajan, a Senior PM in the Azure Compute team responsible for the work behind the new IaaS V2 service that runs under ARM. He discusses some of the enhancements in the VM-hosting service and reasons for the new model and how customers can migrate to this new service.

Media file: