Episode 463 - OneStream's journey to Azure

by Sujit D'Mello June 5, 2023


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Episode 381 - Azure Migrate App Containerization

by Cynthia Kreng June 10, 2021

We chat with Bharathram Sivaraman, Principal PM Manager of Azure Migrate on different pathways to migrate on-prem applications to the cloud. He walked us through the portal experience and explained the functionalities of app containerization, now available through Azure Migrate, which even looks through your existing environment to recommend a suitable container image.  

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode381.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/zG5f2OAhzTg


Learn more about Azure Migrate: https://aka.ms/azuremigrate

Learn more about Azure Migrate App Containerization: https://aka.ms/appcontainerization


Other updates:

 Advancing in-datacenter critical environment infrastructure availability
Azure API for FHIR enables health organizations to deliver CMS Patient Access and Provider Directory APIs
Azure Virtual Desktop: The flexible cloud VDI platform for the hybrid workplace



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Episode 264 - OnMSFT.com migrating to Azure

by Evan Basalik January 31, 2019

The team talks to Kip Kniskern, managing editor of OnMSFT.com about his impressions of Azure after he finished migrating OnMSFT.com to Azure.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode264.mp3

Transcript: https://www.videoindexer.ai/accounts/aca83d23-620b-46d6-beec-e920bff88847/videos/624dbce40b/



Other updates:

Migrate Amazon RDS for SQL Server to Azure SQL Database with minimal downtime by using generally available functionality in the Azure Database Migration Service. To learn more about how to use the Azure  Database Migration Service to perform online migrations from Amazon RDS for SQL Server to Azure SQL Database with minimal downtime, read the tutorial Migrate SQL Server to Azure SQL Database online using  Database Migration Service.

Availability Zones support is now generally available for Azure Service Bus premium and Azure Event Hubs standard in every Azure region that has zone redundant datacenters. Note that this feature won’t work with existing namespaces—you will need to provision new namespaces to use this feature.

Azure HDInsight Tools for VSCode
The Azure HDInsight Tools for VSCode are now generally available. They provide you with best-in-class authoring experiences for Apache Hive batch jobs, interactive Hive queries, and PySpark jobs. HDInsight Tools for VSCode feature a cross-platform, lightweight, keyboard-focused code editor which removes constraints and dependencies on a platform. It can be run smoothly on Windows, Linux and Mac.
Learn more in our documentation and blog.
Spark diagnosis and debugging toolkit
 A number of enhancements have been added to the rich development and debugging capabilities of HDInsight for Spark developers, including:
· Job graph with playback and heatmap identifying read/write bottlenecks.
· Executor usage analysis showing executors’ utilization and job execution efficiency.
· Data skew detection and analysis.
· Job specific data management including data preview, download, and copy.

Azure Guest OS Family 6, based on Windows Server 2019, is now generally available. Windows Server 2019 is the operating system that bridges on-premises environments with Azure, adding layers of security while helping you modernize your applications and infrastructure.

DNS Flag Day is February 1, 2019. On this day, DNS providers will stop supporting certain workarounds that enable name resolution for domains hosted on DNS servers that don't fully conform to EDNS standards. For more information, visit dnsflagday.net. You can test domains for compliance by using tools on that page. 
At this time, DNS services across Microsoft are testing as "All ok" or "Minor problems detected" on dnsflagday.net. Domains that test as "Minor problems detected" will not be affected on DNS Flag Day. Azure DNS and Azure Traffic Manager fixes are currently being rolled out to resolve these minor issues. Fixes for microsoft.com, xbox.com, and other domains are in progress. Some of these fixes will not be fully deployed until after DNS Flag Day. This is not expected to cause any impact to our customers or services.

Hyperledger Fabric updates now available

Microsoft Azure Cloud Features Waves’ Smart Assets and Smart Accounts

Azure Security Center can detect emerging vulnerabilities in Linux

Azure Marketplace new offers – Volume 30


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Episode 230 - Moving apps to Azure

by Russell Young May 24, 2018

 More goodness from BUILD 2018 - this time a great discussion with Paul Yuknewicz and Cesar De La Torre on moving apps to Azure


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode230.mp3


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Episode 185 - The Azure TAM

by Sujit D'Mello June 29, 2017

The guys (yes Cale as well) talk to Joe Losinski who is a Microsoft Technical Account Manager that focusses on Azure customers. He gives us the inside scoop on this critical customer-facing role and how he works with customers to make their journey to Azure a successful one. Along the way he provides some great insights and advice on moving to the cloud.

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode185.mp3



Indexed Media

Other updates:

Accounting Coalition Moves to Work with Regulators on Blockchain Innovation
Power to the User: Accenture & Microsoft Are Changing Identity with Ethereum
Petya ransomware prevention & detection in Azure Security Center
Event Hubs Capture (formerly Archive) is now Generally Available

Azure Site Recovery now supports Ubuntu


Azure SQL Data Warehouse now supports the IDENTITY property.
Azure SQL Database will be accessible only through the Azure portal from July 1, 2017.
Mssql-scripter is the multiplatform command-line equivalent of the widely used Generate Scripts Wizard experience in SQL Server Management Studio.



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Episode 184 - A Good Migration Story

by Evan Basalik June 24, 2017

Evan and Sujit chat with Martin Howell, IT Director for the Eos Group, about how he is migrating his company's infrastructure to Azure. He gives us some eye-opening advice, checklists, things to watch for and tips.

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode184.mp3




Other updates:

Scheduled runbooks will use the latest modules in your automation account
Azure Automation currently uses the version of the modules in your automation for scheduled runbook jobs at the time the schedule was created. This behavior has caused confusion for customers because when they update their modules, they expect that all future scheduled jobs will use the latest version.
To address this feedback, Azure Automation will start using the latest modules in your automation account when a new scheduled job is run. You should test any runbooks that have linked schedules by starting them manually. This will validate that your scheduled runbooks continue to work correctly.
If you have not updated any modules since you created your schedules, this change won't affect you.

In Azure Traffic Manager, two new features related to endpoint health are now generally available: Fast Failover and TCP Probing.

Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) is now supported for Azure Managed Disks. SSE provides encryption-at-rest and helps safeguard your data.


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Episode 158 - Tales from the field - Seemless migration to Azure

by Sujit D'Mello December 24, 2016

As part of our Tales from the Field series, we talk to Yunus Emre Alpozen, an Azure Architect at Microsoft, who helps customers migrate their workloads to Azure. He gives us tips and tricks to ensure a seamless migration path.

LinkedIn: https://tr.linkedin.com/in/yemre
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yemre_alpozen

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode158.mp3



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Episode 73 - Partner Spotlight - Cloud Point

by Sujit D'Mello April 15, 2015

We talk to Hugh Valentine of Cloud Point, an Azure hybrid, hosting and migration specialist firm in the UK. He shares some thoughts and observations on cloud adoption and migration strategies.

Hugh Valentine



Cloud Control:



Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode73.mp3


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