Episode 510 - Azure Fleet

by Sujit D'Mello December 10, 2024

The team meets with Stephane Erbrech to talk about Azure Kubernetes Fleet and learns why it is necessary and also why it isn't the same thing as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode510.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/h9rJNihhZPM


The OSS bits powering Fleet Manager dataplane: https://github.com/Azure/fleet

The service doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/kubernetes-fleet/


Other updates:



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Episode 462 - AKS LTS

by Sujit D'Mello May 25, 2023

Jorge Palma, the Lead PM for Azure Kubernetes Services, talks to Evan and Sujit about the Long-Term Support (LTS) version Kubernetes which provides support for 2 years. He tells us how this model works and who may benefit from this option.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode462.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/zmrOegThyCE

Resources: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/apps-on-azure-blog/azure-kubernetes-upgrades-and-long-term-support/ba-p/3782789




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Episode 371 - Cloud Native Machine Learning

by Kendall Roden April 5, 2021

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Episode 347 - KEDA

by Kendall Roden September 24, 2020

The team is fortunate to have to have Tom Kerkhove, an Azure Architect with https://codit.eu and more importantly, a maintainer of the KEDA project. He talks to use about the need for autoscaling Kubernetes workloads and how KEDA helps to realize that pattern. He provides tips for using KEDA and a roadmap of new features.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode347.mp3

Keda resources:

Tom's GitHub page

AKS scale to zero nodes issue discussed on the show:


Other updates discussed on the show:

Build rich communication experiences at scale with Azure Communication Services

Introducing Azure Orbital: Process satellite data at cloud-scale

Logic Apps updated with new hosting options, improved performance and developer workflows



Public preview: Azure role-based access control (RBAC) for Kubernetes authorization





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Episode 263 - Partner Spotlight - Aqua Security

by Sujit D'Mello January 23, 2019

Liz Rice, Technical Evangelist at Aqua Security and master of all things Security in Kubernetes, talks to us about her philosophy on security and gives us the some great tips-n-tricks on how to secure your container workloads in Azure, on-prem or any cloud. 

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode263.mp3

Transcript: https://www.videoindexer.ai/accounts/aca83d23-620b-46d6-beec-e920bff88847/videos/6283960fb7/

Aqua web site: https://aquasec.com
Aqua in the Azure marketplace: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en/marketplace/apps/aqua-security.aqua-security?tab=Overview

kube-hunter - open source pen testing tool for Kubernetes https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-hunter
microscanner - free vulnerability scanning for container images. It's the same package vulnerability scanner as in the commercial product, but you can use it for free, running security scanning as part of your container image build process. https://github.com/aquasecurity/microscanner
Co-author with Michael Hausenblas of O'Reilly Kubernetes Security book https://kubernetes-security.info/

Other updates:


Azure SQL DB metrics infrastructure improvements
Azure SQL Database is upgrading the infrastructure for monitoring and alerts. This upgrade will improve stability and lay the foundation for enabling next-generation alerts. The upgrade will take place from January 22, 2019 to January 28, 2019.  
How will this affect me?  
During this upgrade, there will be no change to metric data and charts available in the Azure portal. However, customers who are using the Azure Monitor REST API will no longer be able to query for metric data written before December 21, 2018.  
What do I need to do?  
If you need metric data before December 21, 2018, please make a copy of the data before January 21, 2019. Moving forward, metric history will be built up to 93 days and maintained as such.  
For guidance on saving metric data to a data store, see the Azure Monitor REST API walkthrough and Microsoft Azure Monitor REST API reference. 
For any questions or concerns, please contact support. 

Public preview: Read replicas in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Posted on Monday, January 21, 2019
You can now replicate data from a single Azure Database for PostgreSQL server (master) to up to five read-only servers (read replicas) within the same Azure region. This feature uses PostgreSQL's native asynchronous replication.

Connecting Node-RED to Azure IoT Central

Azure Backup now supports PowerShell and ACLs for Azure Files



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Episode 239 - Kubernetes Developer Tooling

by Sujit D'Mello July 26, 2018

We talk to Azure Engineer Michelle Noorali about her passion with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and the work she does to enable Developers to work easily with Kubernetes in Azure and any cloud.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode239.mp3






Other updates:


Microsoft PowerShell now available on Linux as an Ubuntu snap

From <https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-powershell-now-available-on-linux-as-an-ubuntu-snap/>


Learn KQL (the query language used in Application Insights and Log Analytics). Go from a beginner to a pro in just a few hours through a free, exercise-driven course.


Visual Studio IntelliCode – Python Support in VS Code in Public Preview
When writing Python code, the IntelliSense code completion in VS Code speeds up your productivity by providing suggestions as you type. However, there can be hundreds of completions to scroll through and you typically need to type the first few characters out before you can get close to the right result. Using our machine learning algorithm, we can infer the most relevant completions based on the current code context



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Episode 215 - Kubernetes Innovations

by Russell Young February 9, 2018

The guys have an amazing talk with Brendan Burns, Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft, about the future of Kubernetes in Azure.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode215.mp3

Indexed audio: https://www.videoindexer.ai/media/f46a8b23c6/


Other updates:


OpenSSH is a collection of client/server utilities that enable secure remote login, remote file transfer, and public/private key pair management. Originating as part of the OpenBSD project and commonly used across the BSD, Linux, macOS, and Unix ecosystems, you can now use OpenSSH from PowerShell in Cloud Shell.
The SSH quickstart for PowerShell includes examples on how to create VMs with your SSH public key, as well as how to persist SSH configs and key files across Cloud Shell sessions.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/openssh-now-available-in-powershell-in-cloud-shell/>

Designing Distributed Systems - Brendan Burns new book (plug?)

Brand Detection in Microsoft Video Indexer
We are delighted to announce a new capability in Microsoft Video Indexer: Brand Detection from speech and from visual text! If you are not yet familiar with Video Indexer, you may want to take a look at a few examples on our video portal.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/blog/>

Bing Speech API extends its text to speech support to 34 languages
05 February 2018
The Speech API, a Microsoft Cognitive Service, now offers six new TTS languages to all developers, bringing the total number of available languages to 34.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/blog/>

A great developer experience for Ansible

Ansible (from RedHat) now available directly in the Cloud Shell, as well as supported from VS Code
"Ansible makes it easy to scale automation, manage complex deployments and speed productivity".  Supports workflows to streamline jobs, and tools to share devops solutions within teams.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/blog/topics/announcements/>

Go serverless for your IoT needs

Taken from the Twitter Feed: Listener feedback on future shows
 • ARM template deployments, specifically with regard to taking an existing set of resources and repeating them in another subscription.
 • SQL Server Managed Instances
 • Low-priority VMs - there is whole economy behind them look @spotinstUK
 • Media Services and specifically Media Analytics
 • Certification changes - no more Azure Solutions Architect?
 • Azure Stack upd and ReverseDSC ex aequo
 • Azure Automation
 • API Management
 • How to handle data and security compliance for different regions
 • Service Bus
 • Event Hubs
 • Application Gateway
 • Azure architecture patterns especially for LOB applications running on prem;
 • Security and management of API within Azure Webapp to WebApi.




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Episode 209 - DevOps with Kubernetes

by Evan Basalik December 23, 2017

As part of our Partner Spotlight series, we have Dan Garfield from CodeFresh.io and Jessica Deen, a Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft talking about DevOps in a Kubernetes world. Good timing too considering we recently did a show on Kubernetes!

Kubernetes Guides - https://codefresh.io/kubernetes-guides/
Docker Guides - https://codefresh.io/docker-guides/

Brief Description of Codefresh - Codefresh is a DevOps platform built for Kubernetes. It includes CI/CD, a free private Docker registry, and on-demand test environments. It's available as SaaS, or run it on your own infrastructure.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode209.mp3



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Episode 206 - Kubernetes

by Sujit D'Mello November 30, 2017

The guys talk about the rise of Kubernetes and discuss the architecture and how it can be run in Azure.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode206.mp3

Indexed audio: https://www.videoindexer.ai/media/6cc89f6458/





Other resources:

Azure Developer eBook by Barry Luijbregts and Michael Crump



Beginning November 30, 2017, you will need to use the Azure portal to manage your Visual Studio Team Services accounts, instead of using the Azure classic portal.


P15 size for Azure Managed Disks generally available
Azure Managed Disks is the recommended disk storage offering for use with Azure Virtual Machines for persistent storage of data. Managed Disks provides secured disk storage as well as simplified management and industry-leading durability and availability. P15 disks are 256 GB Premium Managed Disks that provide:
✓ 1,100 input/output operations per second (IOPS) per disk.
✓ Throughput of 125 MB per second.
The P15 disk size is now available in all Azure regions. Learn more about Managed Disks on the overview and pricing webpages.


Azure Analysis Services integration with Azure Diagnostic Logs

Last week in Azure: Migrating VMWare environments to Azure, and more

Announcing Azure Location Based Services public preview

Automatic tuning introduces Automatic plan correction and T-SQL management



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Episode 44 - Docker & Kubernetes

by Sujit D'Mello September 17, 2014

We talk to Microsoft Azure consultant Andrew Weiss, who specializes on IAAS, on how to use Docker and Kubernetes on Azure.

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode44.mp3


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