Senior PM Pranav Rastogi is really passionate about all things Big Data and Open Source in this episode. He dives into the various open source tools that Microsoft has invested in to make it super-easy for our customers to work with Big Data in Azure.
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Other updates:
We are pleased to announce the release of "Refactor an Azure Service Fabric Application migrated from Azure Cloud Services", the second article in a series about migrating an existing application from Azure Cloud Services to Service Fabric. The focus of the first article in the series was performing a direct port of the application making only the changes necessary to get the Cloud Service application running in Service Fabric. This newly released second article focuses on refactoring the ported application to a more granular service architecture to take advantage of Service Fabric benefits such as easier application management, service versioning, and independent service scaling to respond to changes in load.
->Now in Public Preview
->Apache Spark-based platform on Azure
->ICE and USAF
Azure Standard support now offers the highest value support for production workloads amongst major cloud providers
Windows Subsystem for Linux award!
Virtual Network Service Endpoints and Firewalls for Azure Storage now generally available
Today we are announcing the general availability of Firewalls and Virtual Networks (VNets) for Azure Storage along with Virtual Network Service Endpoints. Azure Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks uses Virtual Network Service Endpoints to allow administrators to create network rules that allow traffic only from selected VNets and subnets, creating a secure network boundary for their data...
From <>
Azure Search service upgrades: New hardware, unlimited document counts, and more!
Starting in late 2017, all new paid Azure Search services started using brand new, more powerful underlying hardware in select regions. The upgraded search services offer significantly higher performance and remove document count limits, at no additional cost…
Now using SSD's instead of HDDs under the hood. Removed document counts from basic and standard tiers, so now it's just storage capacity limits that are enforced. Should result in faster indexing and query performance for the same price. Limits in terms of number of indexes has gone up from 5 to 15 in Basic, and one of the limits of 200 million documents per partition on Standard 3 High Density pricing tier has been removed. (Limits per index still exist).
Decentralized Digital Identities and Blockchain – The Future as We See It.
Build Go apps for Azure with the Go SDK, now generally available